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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Faith That Outlasts Time

As I researched which elements were missing from the average male or female that a successful people shared, one in particular stood out to me. Faith. This element cannot be measured or weighed or bought. Yet the most successful people in this country find a way of obtaining it, and use it as a driving force towards their goals.
So let us define faith. Faith is a confidant belief in something or, the unseen. As it pertains to success, an idea. The millionaires of the world have strong faith that their idea, whether it be an invention or a way of performing business, will succeed when given enough time. However, we must remember that faith is an emotion. People will often have an idea and never question that it will succeed. This is more of a conscious decision than a subconscious emotion. With time faith will become automatic, but should always remain “felt”.
As an example of the importance of faith, I turn to the Bible. Many of you are probably familiar with the story of Abraham. He and his wife, Sarah, tried for years on end to have a child. After years of no luck…Then at the age of ninety-nine, God spoke to Abraham??? And promised…barren…birth to a nation.
Stories such as this are found in every religion known to man. In fact, what is religion other than a belief backed by faith? Faith has been here since the beginning of man and will outlast him. It is up to you to decide whether or not you will harness this assuring force to your advantage. But note this: nothing can be achieved until one believes it can.

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