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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Time: An ingredient in every recipe for success

“The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once.” –Albert Einstein

Given that the right plans are being followed, ANY goal will be achieved. For example, when one tries to get into shape as a new year’s resolution he/she will often look to dieting as a means of attaining their desired weight. Given that one is eating adequate amounts of nutritious food, he/she will lose weight alone from the diet over time. This, however, is not often quick enough for the new born health enthusiast. So he/she will add a workout regimen to the diet. It is common for one to have the thought process of, the more I workout the more weight I will lose. Time being of the essence, they plan a routine with lots of exercise to burn off as much fat as soon as possible. This is where many fall into trouble, and inevitably fail. Dieting alone can be a challenge for many. Now add on an intense workout schedule and you have a recipe for overload and failure…”Maybe next year.”

“Slow and steady wins the race,” remember? It does one good to respect time and the pace at which it passes. Depending on your goal, you should not demand too much too soon. Otherwise you set a pace which you yourself cannot keep up with. Respect time. Set your plans according to it. It cannot and will not change for an individual.

Goals, desire, dream; whatever you wish to call it, just get it. It is my belief that one of time’s biggest roles is to track an individual’s progress toward a goal, a desire, or a dream. These goals will vary from person to person, depending on the individual and his/her background. But time holds everyone to a standard pace at which we either choose to keep up with, or fall back from. Key note: As Joe Vitale says, “A good goal should scar you a little. And excite you a lot!” If a current goal of yours doesn’t excite you, reach higher.

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